What is "Wrongful Termination" in Texas?
In Texas, subjective belief that a termination is wrong or unfair does not create a cause of action for “wrongful termination.”
Right to Work Laws and At-Will Employment are NOT the Same Thing
There is a difference between the at-will employment doctrine and the Texas Right to Work Act.
Your Employer CANNOT Force You to Sign a Severance Agreement
Any severance agreement your employer forces you to sign is unenforceable.
5 Reasons You Should Consult an Employment Attorney Before Signing a Severance Agreement
Before you sign a severance agreement offered by your employer, you should consider these five points.
In Texas, An Employer Generally Does Not Have to Warn You Before Firing You
Generally, employees do not have to be written up or warned prior to termination. This is a common misconception–especially here in Texas.
What Every Employee in Texas Should Know About the At-Will Employment Doctrine
In Texas, employment is presumed to be at-will unless there is an unambiguous agreement stating otherwise. Learn the basics of the at-will employment doctrine, including the limitations of its use by employers.