What is Chapter 21 of the Texas Labor Code?
Simply put, Chapter 21 is the Texas version of major federal anti-discrimination laws, notably Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Before Signing Any Severance Agreement, You Should Know …
Before you sign any severance agreement your employer or former employer offers, there is one common provision or term you should know.
4 Ways to Keep Attorneys’ Fees to a Minimum During a Divorce or Child Custody Case
Here are four simple ways to keep attorneys’ fees low in family law cases.
Protective Orders Against Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence
In Texas, protective orders offer protection to victims of family, intimate partner, and dating violence.
Adult Adoption in Texas
In Texas, it’s relatively easy for an adult to adopt another adult. Learn about the simple purpose and process of adult adoption.
The Basics of Texas Separation Agreements
Texas does not recognize “legal separation,” but spouses are able to enter into separation agreements.
"Fraud on the Community": Why Spouses in Texas Should Not Engage in Financial Waste Before and During a Divorce Suit
In Texas, spouses have a duty of full financial disclosure to one another. Here’s why asset dissipation is never a wise move to make before and during a divorce.
No, Most Texas Employees DO NOT Have a Right to Access Their Personnel Records
In Texas, employees of private employers do not have a right to their personnel records.
A Brief Summary of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Findings in Texas
Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) is a type of immigration relief allowing non-citizen children to obtain lawful, permanent residency and, eventually, citizenship in the United States.
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act: What Active-Duty Soldiers in Custody Battles Should Know
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act ("SCRA") provides for the temporary suspension of judicial and administrative proceedings and transactions that may adversely affect the civil rights of servicemembers during their military service.